Nono, a man that was walking in the forest (nature lover), he was taking photos in the forest and saw them getting boxes out of the car. He think they would drop garbage and takes photos. When they are gone he looks in the boxes and finds the 14 pigeons ( killed by turning their necks and leg cut of ). He immediatly makes official report by police and mails the photos to the media. The place in the forest is 2km from my home and half hour before they have been seen on my drive way walking and they had parked the car 20m from my property. The 2 eye witness also informed the police.
Now Saturday is our last Race, it is 610 km National Gueret, I will inform. you about the result.
Many greetings,
Dear Jason,
It is what the man that finds them says even on a reaction on Pipa. They are killed by turning their necks.
Why do they drop them in the forrest so close to me? They also say they do not know me, their is an official report that they are seen short before the dropping walking on my drive way. Why did they not park the car on my drive way but a little distance from my drive way, this is also on the report.
If the pigeons are killed from the heat, why didn't they go back to the so called owners, they live about 20 km from my arae. They could explain and maybe replace them?
It is so unreal what is going on about me, but they cannot break me.
Many greetings,
(譯文:這是那個看到死鴿子的人提供的消息,pipa也是基于他的話做的報道,那些鴿子是被擰斷脖子死亡的。 為什么他們把鴿子扔在離我那么近的地方呢?他們說他們不認識我,但是官方的報告中顯示他們在扔鴿子之前很短的時間被人看到在我房子前面停車,為什么他們在我的車道附近停車但卻不壓在我的車道上,報告上也有解釋。 如果鴿子是被熱死的,為什么他們不回去告訴那個所謂的原主人,那人住的離我20公里遠,他們滿可以過去解釋真相,或許人家能換些鴿子給他們?這些對我來說都不是事情的真相,他們是無法叫我屈服的。)
Dear Jason,
From my loft are pigeons gone, when I have DNA report everybody will know for sure, but I know it when I saw the pigeons.
I will make over a detailed mail with how everything have gone since the happening.
I can do this this evening, now I have to work.
Many greetings,
(譯文:我的鴿舍少了鴿子,當我拿到DNA 報告的時候,那時候每個人都會相信我了。但是我看到鴿子的時候就知道是我的鴿子。 我會給你發(fā)一個相信的郵件,關于這件事情從發(fā)生到現(xiàn)在,所有的一切都是怎么樣的。我晚上才能寫這個郵件,現(xiàn)在我必須去工作了)